I think this was such a worthwhile tool last year to keep me focused. Otherwise I worry that I lose focus and fall victim to chronic startitis.
January: Finish Nantucket Jacket. Start Venezia Redux and Thrummed Mittens
February: Start Blanket and Francis Revisited
March: Shalom Cardigan or similar. Finish Venezia Redux.
April: Spin 1 batt of fiber. Start Wallis Cardigan w/ blouson sleeves
May: Finish Apres Surf Hoodie. Start Lace Project
June: Socks
July: Socks
August: Finish Lace Project. Start Rhinebeck Garment
September: Spin 1 batt of fiber
October: Finish Blanket and Rhinebeck Garment
November: Urban Aran
December: 5 pairs of socks completed.
There are lots of other resolution type things that I've promised myself that I will do this year. First and foremost, I'm getting back in shape. I know this is the kind of thing that people say every new year's, but I mean it. I recently had a rather unpleasant fitting room experience that has made this imperative.
To accomplish this goal I'm doing a few things: 1. Keeping a food journal, 2. Making a workout/gym schedule, 3. Making more prepare ahead meals
After 1 week of this program I've actually put on a pound. How frustrating is that? But I've got to do some serious lifestyle changes or I'll be stuck in this rut forever. I have a feeling that my knitting will have to languish periodically. But them's the breaks. I just discovered the
Body and Soul Challenge over at Whole Living. (35 days to a new me? I hope the new me is Heidi Klum!) It starts today and you know what, I'm going for it. Kind of awesome that I'd already replenished my cupboards with a wide variety of legumes. It's as if I knew that this was in my future ;) That and some Beano, I guess.
One last recap of 2008:If there's one thing I love, it's a family who appreciates the handknits.
And that family is my mother's-best-friend-from-college's-family:
Note: The photo is a little fuzzy b/c I was dumb and left my camera out in the cold car which made it very unhappy when it eventually came indoors to defrost.