Monday, April 28, 2008

Confession Time

I made quite a fuss about planning out my projects for the year, didn't I? Well suffice it to say, the reason Venezia isn't still on the progress widget over there is b/c I've stuck her in hibernation. There will probably be a fair amount of frogging going on when I pick it up again (read: Starting over from the beginning). And Juno is theoretically there as well, but I like the symmetry of having 6 WIPs.

Problem is that I quickly lose the knitting mojo on these long-term projects. Meanwhile, I've churned out the Drops Cardigan (ends are all woven in, I just need to get buttons). Brompton is coming along nicely, if slowly b/c I'm knitting from the huge hank of Briar Rose (sometimes I put it on my swift and knit while I'm in bed which is quite convenient and cozy). Of the two socks I'm working on, only one is getting much attention, but they're both luckily past the 50% mark. Picovoli was put aside for a bit until I could finish a cardigan since it's not quite tank weather yet. And I finally found a project for the Sea Silk thanks to blogless Jenn in DC for which I, naturally, cast on this weekend.

The startitis that spawned the two cardigan projects has spread, aided by my recent yarn-buying binge. Because I've bought so much, I feel this incredible urge to get stuff out of my stash and out of my sight if only to justify all the buying. Just wait until you see my Messy Tuesday post tomorrow, you'll be appalled by the state of the stash.

ETA: Juno just got put into hibernation as I've added the scroll stitch scarf I'm doing to Ravelry